Tomasz Hamerla

Tomasz Hamerla

at the intersection of software & data engineering

PowerPlatform for Azure Specialists

Product-minded engineering

Tomasz Hamerla

2-Minute Read

When covid struck in 2020 I decided to explore Power Apps, already having years of experience with Azure. This article summarizes the journey, sharing the experience and gotchas I came across - hoping you will find it useful!

How to ace Azure az305 exam

Preparing for the architecting exam

Tomasz Hamerla

2-Minute Read

At the end of 2022 I decided to try taking another Microsoft certification. I finished the Ignite Cloud Skills Challange, received the free voucher and started wondering what exam should I use this voucher for. Go the AI route?

The dangers of serverless solutions

Lessons learned from the auth0 outage

Tomasz Hamerla

2-Minute Read

auth0 had terrible outage. As a result, I was kicked in the middle of learning on LinuxAcademy and could not have accessed it for almost 2 hours. As I was frustrated trying to access the platform, I was also discussing the dangers of those-so called ‘serverless solutions’ like auth0 with fellow LinuxAcademy students. I showed to them my old article about cloud and promised to write a new one with my current conclusions after gaining experience with all main platforms - AWS / Azure /…

Benefits of cloud

Why cloud rocks

Tomasz Hamerla

5-Minute Read

Not so long ago I was asked by a friend, a tech entrepreneur owning his own company, why should he consider expanding his business into cloud and how it could benefit his customers and his very own development workflow. So instead of answering him in a lengthy message, I decided to summarize it here, also for the benefit of people who may have asked the same question.

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